Our ultimate goal, after all,
is not a good death but a good life to the very end.
Atul Gawande

S e r v i c e s

to aid your end of life planning and to complement hospice and other services,
helping everything go more smoothly

Initial Consultation

Up to 1 hour, Complimentary
In-person or online

To discuss how doula support can help you and your loved ones feel more calm and confident as you plan for and experience the end of this life

Advance Planning Consultation

2 meetings at hourly rate
In-person or online

First meeting to discuss your Advance Directive wishes (Medical Power of Attorney, Living Will, DNR/AND, Donor Registry) and/or to discern and outline wishes for your will. (No legal advice will be provided.)

Second meeting to review the prepared plans and discuss other end-of-life considerations, such as vigil planning, life review, legacy work…

Life Review & Vigil Planning
w/optional Legacy Project

1 initial Life Review session
Additional sessions available
Hourly rate
In-person or online

Initial session (up to 2 hours) for targeted exploration of what’s been important in your life, how you’ve impacted others, and your vision and goals

Additional sessions to continue gaining clarity and a sense of empowerment over how your life’s course may unfold and to create a written Vigil Plan containing your wishes for a “good death,” such as traditions and rituals, how your space should feel/look/sound/smell, wishes for symptom management, interactions with others, and more

Guided Imagery session, personalized for you, included at the end of each meeting

Legacy Project (in-person and/or online) Life Review and Vigil Planning often reveal an idea for something physical you’d like to leave behind for loved ones — photos, letters, music, artwork, or a unique project we dream up together and then create as a unique artifact of your life

Companionship, Respite Care, and Practical Support

Sliding scale based on specific needs

Elder Companionship and Caregiver Respite:
Reading, music, and other activities to provide everyone a change of pace; light meal prep and tidying up; help with household organization for increased safety and harmony

Practical Support: Paring down possessions, making lists, getting organized; other relevant tasks as agreed upon

Bedside Singing & Poetry

Complimentary when added to any other service

Bedside Singing: Songs chosen specifically for your situation and preferences; may be peaceful, uplifting, encouraging, spiritual and/or just plain fun

Poetry: Readings from your favorite poets — or we can write something new together

Support for Medical Aid in Dying

Two initial meetings
plus Day-Of support

Vigil Implementation Packages

  • Up to 10 hours over 3-5 days (best for those who have a deep support network and need a bit of guidance)

  • Up to 20 hours over 3-5 days (best for those who have some dedicated support but need guidance, caregiver respite, and doula presence at the bedside)

  • Up to 40 hours over 3-5 days (best for those needing extensive guidance, caregiver respite, and doula presence at bedside)

Two initial meetings, 1-2 hours each, to address concerns, discuss details and plan your final days, including day of death, according to your wishes (Additional meetings can be arranged.)

Day of Death support, taking care of the planning and medical aspects of the day, so you and your loved ones can focus on your time together

24-hour on-call support during the final days, in one span, or broken into shifts to offer the best support for your situation

Implementation of the Vigil Plan created together in earlier sessions; support to ensure the wishes of the dying are carried out as far as possible

Music and guided meditations for the dying and their caregivers, as desired, along with guidance for caregivers to practice self-care so they can be fully present along the way

Respite care to allow caregivers time to care for themselves

For those left behind: 4-6 weeks after the death, one to two sessions to provide initial grief support and resources to loved ones, while reviewing poignant events of the last days and the death

LGBTQ+ ally. Serving everyone.

No one will be turned away for lack of ability to pay.
Let’s talk about it.